Strategy is continuous, not a moment in time
Planning Sessions
We build planning sessions to meet the needs of your organization. We work with the Board of Directors and/or Management Team to build a strategy that guides your organization.
Quarterly Check-ins
We believe strategy should be active and agile within an organization. Quarterly check-ins ensure progress while also allowing your plan to adapt to changes in your internal and external environment.
Executive Advising
We offer the ability for the CEO, CSO, Board Chair, or others in charge of strategy to connect with us to address opportunities and challenges that emerge outside of your planning process.
“Robbie is one of those rare people who can zoom in and out from broad strategic perspectives to devil-in-the-details tactics. He sees the subtle connections that make big plans work and fail to work. He is rooted in scientific methodology for planning, and yet he has a practical appreciation for the wide spectrum of variables called “human behavior.”
— Randy Harrington, PhD, Strategic Arts and Sciences